
May 5, 2022 by News


Well, hello!

Thank you for joining us at the Elite blog on this beautiful September Monday. Only another hour left until we can return home to our families, cats, or couches.

What a wonderful weekend we had! (Minus the drought) The Elite Team put their endurance to the test at the YPN All Sports Challenge at Centennial Fields all day Saturday. We’re talking touch-football-whiffleball-field-soccer-street-soccer-croquet-ultimate-frisbee day of fuuuuuuu…nnnn. We are proud to announce that we kicked some majoy butt in whiffleball, croquet, and ultimate frisbee.. although we’re still wondering about that last one since no one can remember feeling their legs. We held our own in football (against our neighbour crossfit friends), made a solid comeback in field soccer, and we were absolutely destroyed in street soccer. Seriously, those guys were an average of 6″3 in height. Was I going to tackle that? No. And if you’re sitting at the otherside of a screen thinking that we’re ninnys… that’s perfect, you’re our new starter for next years line-up!

Nonetheless, it was a perfectly gorgeous day (forgot to wear sunscreen) full of snacks (with no break time), sweat, and laughs. The majority of the office is still hobbling around today.

Well played, YPN, well played. Next year: REC LEAGUE. (With mandatory bevy breaks!)