
May 20, 2020 by News


It is a very uncertain time for all.  The COVID-19 virus has affected everyone on a global scale.

But this doesn’t mean you can sit back and wait for things to turn around.  Take this time to work on your business, rather than in your business.

  1. Clean up your CRM System

Your CRM tracks all of your client interaction and contains all of your client details.  This can be a powerful tool when used right.  Categorize your leads by “hot”, “warm”, “cold” and focus on updating and completing your full prospect details starting with your hot leads.

  1. Testimonials

Now is the time to get in touch with past clients and ask for a review.  It is very simple:

“Hi Mary,
I hope you are doing well during this time.
It truly was a pleasure working with you “INSERT PERSONALIZED DETAILS HERE”.  I would love to hear about your experience and would appreciate your feedback.  Would you mind writing me a review?

  1. Build your Social Media Pages

We all know social media plays a crucial role in our marketing mix, but when was the last time you updated your profile photo or posted a video?  Make a list of the top 3 social medial channels you want to focus on and go through every detail – update photos, about page, services, contact information and ensure you maximize the benefit of staying connected.  Develop an 8 week content/posting plan and use hootsuite to schedule this.

  1. Get Organized

Go through all your paper and digital files and organize into folders.  Clean your desk and your desktop and get rid of anything you don’t need.

  1. Write your Marketing Plan

Reflect on the past few years of your business, what has worked, what hasn’t.  Then make a list of your goals, sales numbers you want to achieve and your target market you want to focus on.  How are you going to achieve this?
– Refresh your marketing materials
– Write a step by step guide that you will follow for each aspect of your business: Prospecting, Buyers, Listings, Follow Up
– Focus on a specific neighborhood to consistently market to (local ads, social media ads, mailers)

I hope this list helps!  If you want to discuss anything further, feel free to get in touch to setup a one-on-one zoom meeting.